All About Construction Toys

Know all about construction toys and its importance for children

Every child needs to play, that is a characteristic of childhood. The function of play is not in play, the material used, but in the subjective attitude that the child demonstrates a game and type of activity. This experience is full of pleasure and satisfaction. It is the lack of pleasure or satisfaction that this may result in some child behaviour disorders. At each evolutionary stage of the child, the play is modified, but it is essential that it has the opportunity to explore all phases of play.

The importance of the right toys.

The importance of the toy is the exploration and concrete learning from the outside world, using and stimulating the sense organs, sensory function, motor function and emotional – and that is why construction toys are so important. The game has a huge social function, develops the intellectual side and mostly creates opportunities for children to experience and develop emotional situations and conflicts senses in everyday life.

Creativity + construction toys = endless combinations

Creativity can be enhanced with simple objects where the child has the opportunity to create, invent new functions and values of these objects. Pieces of paper, cloth, empty boxes, straws, toothpicks, string, glue, pencils, etc., are rich objects for the child to express his ability to create, building. You should avoid very sophisticated structured toys, which can only represent what they are intended. Construction toys are an awesome example of quality and should be present in a child’s life forever.

The most suitable toys according to ages are:

  • 0 to 2 years: Explore the visual perception through the large colorful range of children (hanging in the crib) mobiles. Objects that produce sounds when being handled, that auditory perception is stimulated.
  • Objects fit from 1 year. At this stage the child feels and take satisfaction in putting objects into boxes, it encourages eye-hand coordination.
  • From this stage is very important to the game of hide and seek (object, face, body etc. this game allows discovering, with the child, as she is working out the separation process (anxiety, wanting to find soon), it is important to realize how it supports the absence.
  • A game of hide and seek, developed later, also sharpens the child’s intelligence, she acquires notions of space, size, distance etc.
  • 2 to 4 years: In this phase the toys now have more specific functions, providing an opportunity for children to experience through the toys, their daily life, their basic needs, then cliques, dolls, cars, houses, petrol station, are ideal at this stage, the ball, from that moment, expressed notions of distance, balance space.
  • From that age the child begins to show in their play will, the purpose of doing something definite, there is great motivation and enjoyment in achieving your goal.
  • 4 to 6 years: At this stage she was already interested in games with rules that can exploit reasoning, mental, and emotional (the winning or losing in the play). At that stage she has the possibility of working with frustration, crucial to the balance of the personality aspect.
  • 8 to 10 years: The child loves fabricate objects that please him, realizes the limitless environment, as is the ratio of the external to the internal world. Like to collect. It is the phase of community games (catch-up, hide and seek, soccer), more elaborate games, puzzles are welcome.
  • 10 years on: In this phase the video game is extremely loved by the child, who should use it sparingly. It’s always interesting to play it with someone else, thus enabling the understanding of competition, cooperation and development of frustration.

Keep in mind!

Be careful to remember  that children should not be encouraged to consumerism, she wants this or that toy. Usually the child picks the toy that identifies with the values of the group and this time the dialogue is key. Construction toys are not expensive though, so make sure to include that on the child’s life even if it is not his or her first option.

Parents should always be aware of the age of the toy before purchase, seeking to adapt it to the age and level of emotional maturity of the child.

When the child is deprived of the need to play, various disorders may appear in their behaviour: sleep problems, excessive irritability, aggression, difficulties in relationships in general. In each phase of the development has different roles to play, but the play does not always bring negative consequences.


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